Wednesday, February 25, 2009

car crash

Ok so i got in a wreck the other day an damn. 
I don't recommend it to
such a rush, sound lights pain!
and then the sudden realization
it all comes crashing down on you so fast
beating on the steering wheel
image after image of my ohh so bleak near future
stupid pink tracker coming of nowhere
no flinching, no tensing
just impact
warm tears met by the cold wind
people everywhere
sounds everywhere 
tears and glass
burnt tires met with bent metal
question after question
ticket after ticket
saved by the superman from geico
and dearly needed embraces
and now i wait

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So after a very long and upsetting today I was reminded once again how fragile everything really is. How fragile my life is and everything in it. 
To think that something so small and innocent could just ruin everything i have going right now is just a little bit frightening. I watch things fall apart around me constantly and am slowly coming to realize that maybe Im the reason for it all. It seemed silly at first, but now I'm just not that sure anymore. 
In fact I'm not sure about anything anymore, for instance how healthy i am for the people around me, or even for myself. I'm seeming more and more poisonous everyday, polluting the very atmosphere around me.